Kontakt:info@lopis.si in 00386 31 332 761 (Bojan)
PisarnaGlavni trg 19 c, 2000 Maribor


Clear your negative thoughts and relax...

Bye bye stress, we are saying goodbye

We are inviting you to test and experience something that is different and successful for almost decades. All exercises and methods are based on Chinese tradition and medicine.
Stress? No, thank you. Choose health, vital life full of energy.
1-day programme consists of:
  • Energetic exercises for good morning: lets wake up the body and mind
  • Let’s meet ourselves through traditional Chinese medicine and let’s find out what causes stress
  • Different methods of breathing
  • 7 advices on how to live vital and a happy life and more …

Clear your negative thoughts

If we change our state of mind, we can regenerate new nervous connections and rebuild our cells in the body. This means that lots of diseases can be healed by regulation of our thoughts and emotions.
1-day programme consists of:
  • Self-analysis of your mind (what kind of thoughts are going through your head?)
  • What is your daily routine and why is it important?
  • What are your distractions and how can we limit them? And more …

How to find balance between successful business and private life

Programme in based on NLP (neuro linguistic programming) which is a pseudoscientific approach to communication, personal development and psychotherapy created by Richard Bandler and John Grinder.
1-day programme consists of:
  • SWOT self-analysis (which are my benefits and weakness in business and private life)?
  • How to find balance in life? (4 pillars of success)
  • How to determine winning goals and become personal ''rich''?
  • Excellent methods for visualization of your winning goals.

Harmony of health and vitality

It is scientifically proven that employees through years gain more working experiences and also chronical diseases. We have forgotten how to live harmonically, satisfied and simple life.
Afford your employees health and vitality at workplace.
1-day programme consists of:
  • SWOT self-analysis (which are my benefits and weakness in business and private life)?
  • How to find balance in life? (4 pillars of success)
  • How to determine winning goals and become personal ''rich''?
  • Excellent methods for visualization of your winning goals.

WAKE UP (relax and get calm in practice)

Many of you is rushing through the day, are anxious and unsatisfied. At our session we will forget about time and space and we will relax.
1-day programme consists of:
  • Healing exercises that remove physical blockage and nervous energy.
  • Special method of breathing, where our thoughts disappear.
  • Exercises for relaxing your mind and thoughts and more …
LOPIS, izobraževanje, prevajanje, svetovanje,
Bojan Krajnc s.p.
Najdete nasSocialna omrežja
LOPIS, izobraževanje, prevajanje, svetovanje,
Bojan Krajnc s.p.
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