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Training for sales people

Winning mentality is one of the key factors for success in sales.

Magnet for clients and business

Magnet for clients and business is a programme which is based on 20 years of experiences leading different sales teams

Would you like more self-esteem in sales?

Need more focus?

Would you like to recognize more business opportunities?

Programme consists of 4 modules:
  • Winning mentality
  • Emotional intelligent communication in sales
  • Efficient sale tools for success in negotiations and finding solutions to solve reclamations
  • Efficient tools for success in sales and more …

Winning mentality is the key factor to succeed in sales

Programme represents a great opportunity for everyone who needs to conquer the marathon not only sprint and can achieve excellent results.

Would you like to break your old habits that leads nowhere?

Would you like to feel less fear in life and more success?

1-day programme consists of:
  • Analysis of success and your routine
  • 4-key criterias of personal transformation
  • How to change existing persuasions which can lead us to excellent results
  • The power of self-talk and more …

Emotional intelligent sales

Emotional intelligent and situation adjusted sales is the key to operative sales success. Programme is appropriate for insurance agents on the field as well as for other employees that have contact with clients/co-workers.

Would you like to improve your communication skills in sales?

Are you interested in non-verbal signs that your co-speaker is showing?

Get to know your client and sell more.

Programme consists of 4 modules:
  • Self-analysis of success in communication with clients
  • The most usable secrets of non-verbal communication
  • Face reading – which can help you to find out in a few seconds how fast is your client, what kind of information does the client need and how to close the deal.
  • TOP recommendations for sales communication and more …

Sales "ROOKIE"

Sales programme for rookies

For you we have prepared an excellent educational programme for your sales rookies who will actively participate in gaining the new clients and they will learn how to recognize new opportunities and how to increase sale at existing clients.

Programme consists of 4 modules:
  • Winning mentality for rookies
  • Emotional intelligent communication in sales
  • Efficient sales tools for success in negotiations and finding solutions to solve reclamations
  • Closing sale and more…
LOPIS, izobraževanje, prevajanje, svetovanje,
Bojan Krajnc s.p.
Najdete nasSocialna omrežja
LOPIS, izobraževanje, prevajanje, svetovanje,
Bojan Krajnc s.p.
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