Kontakt:info@lopis.si in 00386 31 332 761 (Bojan)
PisarnaGlavni trg 19 c, 2000 Maribor


Companies the most important assets are the employees.

Basic examination and structure of HR

How to structure a HR team of any size
Human Resource (HR) management is one of the most important functions of any business, irrespective of size or type
  • Whether there is a large HR team or just a single HR manager, their role will essentially be the same, and will focus on the people in the business, including the hiring, training, and firing (if necessary) of employees.
  • We offer you a basic examination of HR department and can advise you more about HR management challenges.

Preparation of its own strategic concept of the HR management role in the company

In the connection with higher pressure of the environment and economy employees are becoming the most important key to companies’ success.

Without proper qualifications and motivation of employees the companies hardly become successful. On the other hand, this means that HR key mission is to lead the company while employees have to have the important role at achieving long-term organizational strategic goals.

We can offer you:
  • support to build the system of gaining, selecting and choosing the proper employees
  • support to build the system of rewarding and motivating the employees
  • help at annual interview and planning to recognize the appropriate employees for top management and more …
LOPIS, izobraževanje, prevajanje, svetovanje,
Bojan Krajnc s.p.
Najdete nasSocialna omrežja
LOPIS, izobraževanje, prevajanje, svetovanje,
Bojan Krajnc s.p.
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