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Be a phenomenal leader …

How to Become Phenomenal Leader to Different Generations

Companies’ management are well aware of how important is an internal connection inside a team. This can impact on productivity of the company and its profit.
Programme consists of 5 modules:
  • Recommendation according to the principle ''SPARKLE'' for a leader.
  • ''With small steps you can change the world'' – recommended communicational channels for each generation.
  • ''Sale is art, science and play'' in intergenerational cooperation.
  • The most common conflicts at workplace because of age difference and how to solve it.
  • Leading with questions: the power of 6K questions and more …

Leading with Goals

Leading with goals is a method where we learn how to manage our employees and to reach goals but the emphasis is on how we are going to reach goals and what will change on the path to winning goals.

Not only the leader and the organizations have the responsibility for realization of strategic companies’ goals but each individual has to be responsible for companies’ goals and for its own success.

Programme consists of 2 modules:
  • Differing between wishes and goals – how can a wish become a goal?
  • Rewarding the employees, according to the achievement of goals
  • How to be self-motivated?
  • Cascading goals – from words to actions and more …

Mastering the changes in organization

Does this sounds familiar to you?

You have spent lots of time and money for implementation of a new system and process in your company for which you have educated your employees and according to your opinion you have made it easier.
But than your employees still insist on doing the old way and you are asking yourself: ”Where are those expected business improvements?”

1-day programme consists of:
  • Process of changing.
  • How to master a change in organization?
  • Lowering human reluctance for changes.
  • How to welcome a change and more …

Leadership academy

Leadership academy is a programme based on 20 years of experiences and we learn new techniques and we gain different leadership skills that really work in practice and can improve your leadership.

The special emphasis is on the practical work where we turn theory into practice and that is how our participants gain challenges that they have to face from module to module.

Programme consists of 4 modules:
  • Positive and authentic leader
  • The power of personal communication as a core of leadership
  • Leadership tools: efficient principle and practical tools for leadership
  • Final winning workshop for leaders and more …

COACH as a Leader

Learn the basic coaching skills which will bring success into your business and you will inspire and encourage your employees.
1-day programme consists of:
  • What are basic coaching skills and how can they help you to lead – what is or what is not coaching
  • Leader – coach – what is the difference?
  • Model Gallup – development that is based on advantages of individuals
  • Less talking, more listening – practical usage of coaching techniques and more …

Managing changes as a key factor for a longterm success of organization and individuals

You have invested a lot of time and money into a new system and process for which you have qualified your people and wanted to ”ease” them working process.
LOPIS, izobraževanje, prevajanje, svetovanje,
Bojan Krajnc s.p.
Najdete nasSocialna omrežja
LOPIS, izobraževanje, prevajanje, svetovanje,
Bojan Krajnc s.p.
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